Religious Studies and Theology
Universität Zürich UZH
Bachelor Universitäre Hochschule UH
The "Religious Studies and Theology" degree program in 2025 opens up interdisciplinary perspectives on religion and enables students to conduct their research in the field. The mono-bachelor program is offered jointly by two disciplines: religious studies and theology.
Religious studies:
In religious studies, different religions in the past and present are researched. For example, it examines how religion and politics, media, medicine, and social behavior influence each other or how digitalization affects religious practices. Religious studies do not decide on the truth or falsehood of religious ideas and practices but is an empirical discipline that uses various theories and methods to research religious traditions and practices.
The study of theology includes an examination of the historical and cultural foundations of biblical texts, current ethical issues, history, philosophy, different theological traditions, and questions of church practice.
Organization of studies
The new program will start in the fall semester of 2025. The subject can be takes as a Mono-programme and concludes 180 ECTS.
Religious Studies and Theology as as subject gives students insights into the synergies, complementarities, and controversies associated with different academic perspectives on religion. it is delivered fully online. The program's language of tuition is English.
The study program consists of various compulsory modules. Besides these, students can also choose their specializations. For example, it is possible to study with a focus on religious studies or theology. Students will conduct their research in term papers and the bachelor's thesis.
Alle Infos auf einen Blick
Universität Zürich UZH > Theologische Fakultät
Theologische Fakultät der Universität Zürich
Link zum Angebot
Link zur Zulassung > > Studieren > Bewerbung und Zulassung > Weiterführende Links zu Informationen über Immatrikulation, Fristen, Online-Service für die Anmeldung, etc. > > Studieren > Studienprogramme > Weiterführende Links zu Übersicht über Studiengänge, Informationen zu Doktoratsprogrammen, dem Vorlesungsverzeichnis, etc.
Bachelor Universitäre Hochschule UH
Mindeststudiendauer (Richtstudienzeit): 6 Semester
Insbesondere Teilzeitstudierende können die erforderlichen Kreditpunkte auch über einen grösseren Zeitraum erarbeiten.
1 ECTS-Kreditpunkt entspricht einen Aufwand von 25-30 Arbeitsstunden.
Provisional study plan Religious Studies and Theology (180 ECTS)
Key modules of the programm
Approaches to the Study of Religion
Religious Traditions
Biblical Traditions
Christian Practices
Ethics and Religion
(Interreligious) Hermeneutics and Philosophy of Religions
Digital Religion(s) Digital Theology(s)
Social Scientific Study of Religion
History of Christianity During the Ages
Total: 180 ECTS
Eidgenössisch anerkannte gymnasiale Maturität, oder
Berufsmaturität oder Fachmaturität mit bestandener Passerellenprüfung, oder
Bachelor-Abschluss einer Fachhochschule oder einer Pädagogischen Hochschule
Mehr Informationen für Inhaberinnen und Inhaber weiterer schweizerischer oder ausländischer Ausweise: Übersicht Zulassung Hochschulstudiengänge