Wirtschaftsinformatik auf Englisch studieren

The BSc Business Information Technology program is offered in English in Basel and Brugg-Windisch or in German in Olten. The content of the courses is identical, and both programs can be completed in full-time or part-time mode.

As a business information technology graduate, you will find a broad professional field with a variety of tasks in the IT industry, management consulting or in the IT department of companies and public administrations. In your work, you will take into account not only the needs of users, but also the technical, organizational and financial framework conditions. In order to find the best possible solution, you will communicate with all relevant business and IT stakeholders, both inside and outside the company, use techniques to elicite business requirements and describe them using appropriate modelling techniques. There are sheer endless job opportunies out there and in the future, as digitalization dramatically increases the need of professionals who have a deep understanding of both business and informatics.

Thanks to our good contacts with foreign universities and universities of applied sciences, a semester abroad is possible without prolonging your studies.

Die Börse als Grafik dargestellt, ersichtlich auf einem Laptop / Computer.

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Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW > Hochschule für Wirtschaft

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Bachelor Fachhochschule FH




Fulltime: 3 years
Classes are held 3-4 days a week depending on the progress of the study.

Parttime: 4 years
Classes are held 1-2 weekdays, one evening during the week, and Saturday mornings, depending on location. Class days may change as you progress through your studies. A maximum workload of 60% is recommended alongside studies.


1 ECTS-Punkt corresponds approximately to a workload of 25-30 hours.

 Module group


Business Administration30
Information Technology30
Business Information Technology30
Student Work25


The specialisations take place in the last year of your studies and are listed on the diploma. This allows you to build an individual study portfolio based on your personal skills, interests and career aspirations. The specialisations cover the needs of the labor market and make an important contribution to addressing the shortage of skilled professionals in the IT environment.

You can choose between the following specialisations:

  • Software Engineering Leadership – technically focused Link to detailed description on website FHNW
  • Business Analytics – analytically focused Link to detailed description on website FHNW
  • Digital Business Management – management focused Link to detailed description on website FHNW

With a completed commercial or technical vocational baccalaureate you are admitted to the program. Otherwise, you need an additional year of practical experience.

Especially in our English programme we are welcoming international applications. They will be scrutinized by our application office and a practical experience of at least 12 month is also required.

Berufliche Perspektiven

Welche Tätigkeitsfelder stehen nach diesem Studium offen? Wie könnte eine Laufbahn mit diesem Studium aussehen?



After your studies, you will be able to take on a role at the interface between business and information technology. This could be in a small, medium-sized or large organization, local or international. You might work as a project member, project coordinator or project manager, as a consultant, a product owner, a software engineer, a user-interface expert, a business process engineer, a big data analyst. You might develop into a more senior management role or even found your own enterprise.

The demand for business informatics professionals is very high. There are sheer endless attractive and well-paid positions waiting for you.